Tag Archive: care

“Essential Services”

We are attaching talking points that will be useful when discussing both rehabilitation services and habilitation services as essential services under State Insurance Exchange Programs required to be created pursuant to the Affordable Care Act.  Persons suffering from a brain injury should receive adequate medical and rehabilitation services under the Affordable Care Act. The outcomes of

New article explains why lawsuits help improve care to residents

A new article, ‘Torts Provide Best Relief for Nursing Home Residents,’ is now available free from Clifford Law Offices web site at http://www.cliffordlaw.com. The Chicago law office is posting legal articles on their website in an effort to educate the public about legal matters. Torts Provide Best Relief for Nursing Home Residents A man in

Young residents’ screams for help go unanswered resulting in her death

Alabama NewsChannell 19 had a horrendous story of neglect on their website.  NewsChannel 19’s Carson Clark reported that a Marshall County Nursing Home is in trouble with state and federal officials after a patient died there. A doctor says the Golden Living Center in Boaz allowed a young woman to scream for help for more than

Importance and necessity of documenting care is emphasized

Inevitably in most of our nrsing home cases, numerous documents that are intended to show the care, treatment, and services provided to the resident are missing, lost, or never done by the staff.  This occurs because the care was not provided or understaffing caused the staff not to have time to document or poorly trained

Profits grow as quality of care declines

Here is an article showing how profitable the nursing home industry actually is while the insurance companies are requesting immunity and protection from their neglect and abuse. Robust Financial Standing Of California Nursing Homes Observed Amid Slump In Quality Care Vittorio Hernandez – AHN News Writer A study released Tuesday reported growing profitability of the

DNR does not mean do not treat!

Santa Cruz Sentinel has an article about the tragedy that is all too common for many nursing home residents.  Nursing homes fail to train on what DNR status means, and far too often simple care is not provided that would save a resident’s life.  Below are excerpts from the article. The Tragedy: On Sept. 11,

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

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