Category: Industry News

PACS Group Expands

McKnight’s reported  on the growth of a new nationwide for profit chain called PACS or Providence. PACS Group, Inc. is a holding company whose subsidiaries comprise a rapidly growing national platform investing in post-acute care facilities, professionals, and ancillary services. PACS recently became public, with just over 200 facilities. The CEO of PACS is Jason

Financial Audits

Everyone thinks there is too much waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid programs. Skilled Nursing News had an article on Ned Lamont’s bill to solve the problem. The Governor of Connecticut proposed a bill that will authorize forensic audits to review operator annual financial reports conducted by the state Department of Social Justice. This proposal

CMS Data

Skilled Nursing News reported industry apologists complaining about data on nursing homes on Marc Zimmet, president of Zimmet Healthcare Services Group, is a well known industry apologist who defends nursing homes in civil litigation after the neglect and abuse of vulnerable adults caused by unsafe staffing and siphoning of taxpayer funds. He argues that

Epidemic of Abuse

Every day in the U.S. it is estimated that more than 10,000 people turn 65. That’s the official start of senior status in the U.S. And with that comes a growing push for programs to help older people stay at home and out of nursing homes and hospitals. A recent Time essay by Dr. Robert

OIG Investigates Discharges

Facilities are discharging patients that do not follow Federal regulations which leads to unsafe and traumatic harm for the patient. CMS and State Long-Term Care Ombudsmen question the extent to which the nursing homes follow these Federal requirements for discharge. OIG conducted an investigation into nursing homes’ capability to care for patients with mental health

PACS Group

The national for-profit chain Providence is getting bigger. The Oaks Healthcare, the nursing home segment of The Oaks of Orangeburg, has sold its nursing home services to Cascade Capital Group, a Skokie, Illinois-based private health care real estate investment and asset management firm. Cascade’s interests include skilled nursing, post-acute, rehabilitation and transitional-care facilities, as well


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