
Nursing home reform, not tort reform

I have been surfing around on the internet today, and was looking at one of David Swanner’s most recent blog posts, where he talks about Stephanie Mencimer’s blog, The Tortelinni.  That led me to a post on there about tort reform and nursing homes.  That got me thinking . . . This is an issue we

Low CNA Pay Linked to High Turnover Rate, Poor Care

I recently read an interesting article about CNAs in nursing homes.  CNAs change adult diapers, clean soiled residents and help the elderly dress, eat and shower among other duties.  Unfortunately, these employees who handle so much of the daily, essential care needed by nursing home residents are underpaid.  The article states that the average pay

No bad deed goes punished

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has finally concluded what we all knew to be true:  Nursing homes go unpunished for the abuse and neglect suffered by residents. Federal health officials impose only minimal penalties on nursing homes repeatedly cited for mistreatment of patients.  As a result, nursing homes cycle in and out of compliance with

Fraud and staffing

Many residents are totally reliant on staff for care, and rely on the federal Medicare program to pay the bills. The problem at nursing homes is poor staffing.  I just read an article that discusses the issue and explains how and why it is a system wide problem. The article talks about an investigation that found

Medicaid is failing our elderly

A new report shows that Medicaid programs are failing to deliver adequate medical services to the low-income populations they were designed to serve including nursing home residents.  The non-profit consumer advocacy organization Public Citizen issued a report ranking Medicaid programs by how they met and surpassed federal mandates in four categories: eligibility, scope of services,

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

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