Category: Staffing

Overmedicating resident because of short staffing

The Wall St. Journal has a great article on the use of medications to sedate residents because of short staffing at many nursing homes.  Below is an excerpt from that article. Medicaid has spent more money on antipsychotic drugs for Americans than on any other class of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, AIDS drugs or medicine

Inadequate staffing is common

Here is a very interesting story from a resident’s point of view.  Billy Bogardus, a retired engineer, said he received poor care while he was a patient in Haven Health Center of South Windsor earlier this year. “You had to beg and plead to get them to pay attention,” he said.  Bogardus of West Hartford went

Nursing home staffing an issue in KY Governor debate

Staffing became an issue in the recent Kentucky Governor’s race.  Democrat Steve Beshear said that Kentucky needs to consider requiring minimum staffing levels at nursing homes, but Gov. Ernie Fletcher said the corporate owners should be allowed to determine how many nurses they hire. Last night, Beshear said Fletcher’s administration has failed to protect seniors, citing

Salaries for Administrators and DONs rise substantially

Nursing home operators value loyalty and good nursing leaders, the latest results from the nation’s most in-depth nursing-home survey indicate. The national median salary for directors of nursing (DONs) at nursing homes jumped 5.2% this year, up to $72,515. Similarly, assistant DONs enjoyed a 4.9% rise, up to $60,022.   Both increases are much higher than

Patient Safety and Abuse Prevention Act

Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl is trying to prevent abuse by insituting a national system for criminal background checks on nursing home employees.  Please contact your Senators and encourage them to support this legislation. Sen. Kohl says the best way to protect our elders from physical abuse is to institute a national system for background checks to determine

CEO’s exorbitant salaries hinder proper staffing

I was sent this great editorial regarding how much staff could be hired if CEOs were compensated reasonably instead of exorbitantly like Manor Care’s CEO Paul Ormond. SNF CEO’S WINDFALL COULD HAVE PROVIDED MORE STAFF AND SERVICES To the Editor: Reports that Manor Care’s CEO Paul Ormond would personally realize between $118 and $186 million

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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