Category: Abuse and Neglect

“Mercy” killings or just murder?

Today we have a guest writer, Heather Johnson. who is a regular contributor to, a great site for nurses and others interested in the nursing field.  We thank Heather for help insightful contribution.  Below is her entry. Nursing Home Workers Face Neglect, Fraud Charges Chicago Sun-Times reports that Nurse Marty Himebaugh and nursing director

DNR does not mean do not treat!

Santa Cruz Sentinel has an article about the tragedy that is all too common for many nursing home residents.  Nursing homes fail to train on what DNR status means, and far too often simple care is not provided that would save a resident’s life.  Below are excerpts from the article. The Tragedy: On Sept. 11,

Use of chemical restraints in nursing homes

Warren Wolfe of the Star Tribune in St. Paul, Mn. wrote a great article on the overuse of medications in the nursing home population. Thousands of nursing homes nationwide are using powerful antipsychotic drugs to quiet disruptive people with mild dementia — at times a step that’s easier and cheaper than training staff to fix the problem.  

Texas manager threatened resident with a hammer

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has filed a lawsuit against a Fort Worth assisted living center, claiming its manager threatened residents with a hammer, withheld food and locked some of them out of the building at night. Abbott says the alleged abuse took place at the Oasis Village assisted living facility, located in Fort Worth’s

Neglect alleged in Florida nursing home

The Naplenews had a frightening article about a recent lawsuit that chronicles severe neglect of a resident. Sophie Arvigo moved into Lakeside Pavilion Nursing Home in Naples.  After several years there, her care and treatment took a dramatic turn for the worse. There was neglect that led to painful and humiliating medical problems, and traumatic

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

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