Tag Archive: Regulatory enforcement

Reforms proposed by Ombudsman’s office

The Hartford Courant has an article about proposed reforms in nursing homes by the Connecticut Ombudsman’s office.  I wish the South Carolina Ombudsman’s office would play a proactive role in protecting resident’s care and preventing neglect.  Below is a summary of the article. Connecticut’s long-term care ombudsman is proposing reforms in oversight that would protect residents

Pittsburgh facility fined for unnecessary restraints

A nursing home in Squirrel Hill was fined more than $20,000 after being accused of restraining patients to their beds.  According to Health Department surveyors, patients at the Wightman Street nursing home were restrained, but there was no documentation by doctors showing the restraints were necessary. According to the inspection report, one patient was found

Spotlight on Tennessee nursing homes

There is a great article about dozens of deficient Tennessee nursing homes that have been closed or fined as a result of neglect including drug dealers visiting The Cornelia House nursing home to sell crack to employees and residents; at Mitchell Manor, patients went without necessary pain medication for a week because the facility was out;

$100,000 fine for causing resident’s death

Here is an article that discusses a hefty fine for a facility that neglected a resident. A Riverside County nursing home was fined $100,000 for the death of a 91-year-old woman who was dropped on her head.  Citrus Nursing Center in Fontana was cited last month for failing to provide patient safety, according to the

Lack of inspections for unclean hospitals and nursing homes

Here is an excerpt from a recent article in the Conservative Wall St. Journal. Last month, health inspectors in New York City shut down Serendipity, an upscale ice cream parlor. Though the closing made headlines, it is a common occurrence for less-famous eateries charged with violations like unclean cutting boards and floors, workers who fail

CMS to disclose list of “underperforming” nursing homes

The Associate Press had this story today.   Fifty-six nursing homes are among the worst in their states and are being called out in an effort to goad them into providing proper patient care. Lawmakers and advocacy groups complain that too many facilities get cited for serious deficiencies but don’t make adequate improvement, or do so only temporarily.

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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