
Momentum is building to end forced arbitration!

 A hearing was held April 2 in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Republican majority called for the hearing, representing an important step in demonstrating to the American public the ubiquity of forced arbitration clauses. The victims who attended represent those who are discriminated against for taking leave of employment to serve in the U.S. Reserve

Nursing Home Fears

“The fear of living with inhumane, overcrowded conditions, loneliness and lack of hope” The Hamilton Spectator, aka the Spec, writer Carmela Fragomeni had a great article (published 1.2.19) about the struggle one woman faces to get her medical care to match her wishes. At 75, Arleen Reinsborough’s fear of nursing homes has her more determined

South Carolina’s Top Legal Group Announces Spartanburg Attorney Gary Poliakoff Recipient of Prestigious Service Award

The South Carolina Association for Justice (SCAJ) Presidents’ Council today awarded Spartanburg attorney Gary W. Poliakoff the Mullis Award of Excellence, a top honor recognizing service, commitment and education in the protection and promotion of justice. SCAH has over 1300 members and is a leading advocate for matters related to an accessible judicial system and

“Blatant Disregard for Veteran Safety”

Six veterans’ groups are demanding the Department of Veterans Affairs improve the quality of care at its nursing homes following a story by USA TODAY and The Boston Globe detailing “blatant disregard for veteran safety” at a VA nursing home in Massachusetts. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, Paralyzed Veterans of America and Vietnam Veterans

A Distracted Driving Crackdown is Coming

  By: Kyle Stock, Source: Bloomberg, Originally Published: 10.22.18 Like many diligent public servants, Georgia state Representative Ed Setzler enjoys crowing about a nice, tidy highway project. In a Sept. 8 Facebook video, the Republican appeared to be doing just that from behind the wheel of a car. This was less than three months after the state overwhelmingly

State Farm Ducks Racketeering Trial With $250 Million Accord

By: Tim Bross, Margaret Cronin Fisk, and Jef Feeley; Source: Bloomberg; Originally Published: 9.4.18 State Farm agreed to pay $250 million on the brink of a trial to customers who claimed the company tried to rig the Illinois justice system to wipe out a $1 billion jury verdict from 19 years ago. The customers were

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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