Category: Uncategorized

“It’s all going to go away!”

“It’s all going to go away!” Here is a letter to the editor for Staten Island Live. It is the president who is at fault for the deaths in the nursing homes. The president ignored his intelligence briefing book that clearly and repeatedly cited the virus threat over a dozen times in January and February.

Front line Heroes

ABC News reported that front line heroes are begging for safe staffing to help fight the coronavirus. Nurses on the front lines are calling for the state to enact minimum staffing standards before the second wave. Under legislation, NY would set safe minimum nurse-to-patient ratios including a standard of one nurse for every two patients in

Support Essential Workers

We need to protect front line caregivers and other essential workers.  Before the second wave hits soon, we need to make sure these essential workers have the training, supplies, and safe staffing needed to prevent hundreds of thousands of additional deaths. The Department of Health and Human Services is sending nursing homes 750,000 COVID-19 point-of-care

Let Them Vote!

Under federal law, nursing homes have a duty to facilitate residents’ rights, including voting.  Nursing homes must let them vote. Hundreds of thousands of residents of nursing homes may not be able to vote. Lockdowns, short-staffing, and the failure of officials to help. In fact, North Carolina actually prohibits nursing home workers from helping residents

Vote Safely

People with disabilities must be able to cast their vote safely during the pandemic.  Their votes must be counted. Our elected officials are meeting in September to make changes to election rules during the pandemic. The general assembly should consider the following changes: Permit all South Carolinian’s to vote absentee Eliminating the requirement for a

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!  Nursing homes do not treat their employees very well. Most caregivers do not get enough training or adequate PPE. Many  aides are overworked and burnt-out. Homes pay staff low wages with few if any benefits. Here are some examples of how nursing homes treat their employees on this Happy Labor Day. NHC-Greenwood

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

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