Vaccination Report Status
Long-term care facilities must report weekly data on COVID-19 vaccination status for both residents and staff. The rule also requires providers to report the use of therapeutics administered to residents for treatment of COVID-19. The AARP Nursing Home COVID-19 Dashboard shows SARS-CoV-2-related deaths and cases in nursing homes decreased dramatically because of the vaccine. CMS will post facility-specific vaccination status information publicly on CMS’ COVID-19 Nursing Home Data website.
Katie Smith Sloan is president of lobbying group Leading Age who stated:
“Vaccines are the most important development of the pandemic for older adults, and LeadingAge encourages all staff and residents to get vaccinated — and for providers to report. But to meet CMS’ goal of increased vaccination rates, more must be done.”
Civil monetary penalties may be imposed for failing to report COVID-19 vaccination rates.
The New England Journal of Medicine studied the real life effectiveness of the vaccine in the nursing home industry. Public data shows decreases in the incidence of cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection and related deaths after the vaccinations. The incidence of infection decreased over time among both vaccinated residents and unvaccinated residents.
LTC facilities are already required to report COVID-19 testing, case and mortality data to the National Healthcare Safety Network for residents and staff.
The two largest nursing home lobbying groups, the American Health Care Association (AHCA) and LeadingAge, announced a goal of achieving a staff vaccination rate of 75% by end of June. Meanwhile, the Gazette Xtra reported eleven Wisconsin nursing home workers want money because the facility fired them for refusing to get the vaccine.
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