
Transparency Needed

In the last two years, taxpayers have given billions of dollars to the nursing home industry. The money was rolling in all of 2020. The help allowed nursing homes to survive but the quality of care decreases and unsafe staffing continued. Transparency is needed to determine where all the money went and why resident outcomes

Record Price Per Bed

The average price per bed for nursing homes rose almost 22% year over year for the first quarter of 2021. Even as staffing shortages and low occupancy rates, profits soar because of the bail-outs and high reimbursement rates. Real estate investment trusts are active in the industry. DAC Acquisition LLC entered into a merger agreement with Diversicare

Mandates Work

This chart shows that mandates work. The rapid decline is directly related to mask and vaccine mandates. Go figure. Many private companies have increased safety by requiring vaccination as a condition of employment. It has worked. The number of new daily cases has since fallen almost 40 percent. Hospitalizations are down 30 percent. Deaths declined 13

Dentists Against Dental Care?

Politico reported something strange. Dentists are against providing Medicare recipients dental care! The Biden Administrations wants to expand Medicare to cover dental, vision and hearing care. However, conservative Democrats want to limit the expansion to only the poorest Americans. But Medicare is not just for poor people. We have never limited benefits based on means

Texas as a Welfare State

Texas is pathetic. Texas nursing homes are the worst. Short-staffed, poorly trained, and mismanaged. Now, they need another bailout from the federal government. Texas is asking for $400 million more in federal coronavirus relief to address a staffing crisis. However, Texas already has $16.7 billion in American Rescue Plan Act money. Texas is now a

South Carolina COVID Update

Lindsey Graham The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control’s (DHEC) analysis shows that the vast majority of recent COVID-19 cases (86%) remain among unvaccinated individuals. The state is currently ranked 41st in the nation for percentage of citizens vaccinated. South Carolina averages almost 2000 new hospitalizations a day. Lindsey Graham is the senior

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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