Category: Uncategorized

Humanitarian Crisis in South Carolina

Deaths from COVID-19 in nursing homes surpassed the 40,000 mark before July 15.  Elder advocates and industry experts put the number much higher. There is universal agreement that nursing homes are the number one setting for coronavirus fatalities. Official estimates place actual and suspected infections at U.S. nursing homes over a quarter million. It may

Be Patriotic, Wear a Mask!

At this point, everyone should be wearing a mask to protect themselves and others. Surgeon General Jerome Adams begged Americans to wear masks to slow the spread of the coronavirus. He then acknowledged he was wrong to discourage the use of face coverings. “I’m pleading with your viewers. I’m begging you,” Adams told the hosts

How Soon You Should See a Medical Professional Following Your Accident

After being involved in a car accident, many individuals are hesitant to see a doctor, in hopes the injuries will take care of themselves. This is often done because the individual wishes to avoid expensive medical costs, and possibly because he or she is trying to avoid having to go to a doctor’s office at

FTC Reports Nursing Homes Are Keeping Stimulus Checks of Residents

Nursing Home Lawyer Spartanburg, SC The Federal Trade Commission is putting out a call to action for those in nursing homes or long term care facilities and their loved ones after the agency received reports that some facilities have taken stimulus payments intended for residents. FTC Elder Justice Coordinator Lois Greisman released a statement saying

Momentum is building to end forced arbitration!

 A hearing was held April 2 in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Republican majority called for the hearing, representing an important step in demonstrating to the American public the ubiquity of forced arbitration clauses. The victims who attended represent those who are discriminated against for taking leave of employment to serve in the U.S. Reserve

South Carolina’s Top Legal Group Announces Spartanburg Attorney Gary Poliakoff Recipient of Prestigious Service Award

The South Carolina Association for Justice (SCAJ) Presidents’ Council today awarded Spartanburg attorney Gary W. Poliakoff the Mullis Award of Excellence, a top honor recognizing service, commitment and education in the protection and promotion of justice. SCAH has over 1300 members and is a leading advocate for matters related to an accessible judicial system and

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

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