This past week, Trump tweeted and defended a crazy conspiracy group calling itself “America’s Frontline Doctors.” his group provides false information about COVID-19. They minimize the dangers of getting infected. These “doctors” claim masks are dangerous. These “experts” recommend taking dangerous and ineffective medications. One of the doctors is Dr. Stella Immanuel. She is a minister from Texas. Dr. Immanual runs a medical clinic out of a strip mall. She falsely claims a “cure” for COVID-19. The doctor recommends that people not wear a mask. This is who Trump listens to when he has Fauci, Birx, etc?
The video featured a string of right-wing talking points that criticized lockdown measures, demonized public health officials, called for schools to reopen and urged Americans not to wear face masks. The speakers, who were all portrayed as doctors, often declared hydroxychloroquine a “cure” for COVID-19. (No legitimate medical organizations have recognized any “cure” for COVID-19, and multiple clinical trials have shown hydroxychloroquine is not beneficial in treating the virus.)”
Trump is tying to fool the American people with this false information so they will reopen schools before it is safe. The Huffington Post
explained how this false information is shared with the help of Facebook, Breitbart, and other right-wing media. The Tea Party Patriots and FreedomWorks created the Save Our Country Coalition. The coalition then organized “America’s Frontline Doctors” to help Trump spread this conspiracy crap. The coalition’s groups are funded by billionaires including mogul Charles Koch. Richard Uihlein is the major billionaire donor to Tea Party Patriots.
Trump directs the Coalition through his henchman. One of them is Trump’s economic adviser Stephen Moore. You may remember that Moore had to withdraw from a job at the Federal Reserve because he is a nut. He is now seeking to create a cryptocurrency central bank. Maybe we should not listen to him on health issues?
Simone Gold is the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors. She is often on Fox News as a “source” on the so-called dangers of masks and other safety measures. Gold claims she “worked in Washington D.C. for the Surgeon General, as well as for the Chairman of the Labor & Human Resources Committee.” I don’t believe she is qualified to offer medical advice.
These SOC protests worked before though. The corporate paid protests in April pushed America’s premature and dangerous reopening. As a result, death tolls spiked across the country. Now the group is putting our children at risk by pushing for school reopenings. Fortunately, the CDC and health experts recommend safe preventative measures. Measures such as physical distancing, face masks and frequent hand-washing continue to help slow the spread of COVID-19.