Category: Staffing

Jobs and Investment

Employment The Biden Administration will provide $500 million to the nursing home industry. The initiative will send strike teams to nursing homes to help with infection control and prevention efforts, and address staffing shortages. The strike team program will be a partnership between providers and inspectors that reduces the spread of infections at facilities. CMS

No Regrets?

Murder Vice reported the disturbing story of an exhausted nurse accused of murder. Japanese nurse Ayumi Kubogi admitted to the killings. Two of Kubogi’s victims, aged 78 and 88, died when another nurse inadvertently administered IV drips that Kubogi had mixed with disinfectant. Another victim, aged 88, died directly at the hands of Kubogi after she

Funding Solutions

Future Funding LeadingAge President and CEO Katie Smith Sloan recently said if Congress fails to pass Biden’s Build Back Better plan, it would be “one of their greatest failures ever” and would have “catastrophic human consequences” for older adults and their families. She believes the bill needs to include an expansion of home- and community-based


Nationwide, the U.S. is now averaging about 79,000 new cases per day — a 22% drop over the past two weeks. COVID-19 deaths have fallen by 14% over the same period, to an average of 1,600 per day. However, the nursing home industry is flailing. McKnight’s reported that the industry wants government regulation to manipulate the

Abuse and Assault

I have been representing victims of nursing home abuse and neglect for over 25 years. Hundreds of victims of abuse and neglect. I still am shocked when I discover a caregiver physically or sexually assaulting a vulnerable adult. I do not understand it. I cannot tolerate it. I recently saw an article about Jacques Wagner.

Rape Investigation

Police arrested and charged another certified nursing assistant (CNA) for sexually assaulting two elderly nursing home residents at Bear Hill Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Wakefield and Knollwood Nursing Center in Worcester. The alleged assailant worked overnight shifts at the nursing homes. Apparently without any supervision. As a CNA, Wachira was responsible for changing, bathing,

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

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