Category: Staffing

Immigrants As Solution?

Staffing Crisis AARP released a good article on the industry’s labor shortage. Staff turnover was already “astronomically high,” says Ashvin Gandhi, a health economist at UCLA and coauthor of a national study that found the median annual turnover rate for nearly all U.S. nursing homes in 2017 and 2018 was 94 percent. Decades of chronic understaffing has

Grand Jury Indicts LPN

10WBNS reported another tragic and preventable death at a nursing home. Luana Mowery’s husband, Paul, was living at the Capri Gardens in Lewis Center – a rehab and nursing center. Mowery was a long-term care patient at the facility who depended on oxygen therapy. On the morning of May 20, 2021, Mowery was found blue

Solution to Staffing Crisis?

Staffing Crisis AARP published a fantastic report on how the labor shortage is affecting staffing levels in nursing homes. “Workers say their exits are driven by dangerous working conditions, poor pay and benefits, limited opportunities for advancement, burnout and the respect deficit for their profession.” Solutions? Many experts see immigration as the best way to

The Travel Nursing Agency Transparency Study Act

Price-gouging? The Travel Nursing Agency Transparency Study Act would require the Government Accountability Office to investigate staffing agencies. The GAO will study potential price gouging and “taking of excessive  profits” as alleged by the nursing home industry. The industry pressured legislators to investigate agencies for price-gouging and for “poaching” staff. The GAO will attempt to

Solutions Offered

I read an interesting article from Fast Company. The author, Matt McGinty, had a simple way to increase staffing at nursing homes. As CRO, Matt is leading and scaling IntelyCare’s growth by ensuring the success of its nursing professionals and healthcare facilities. Here are his suggestions: DATA ANAYLTICS Technology can assist nursing homes in analyzing data

Unsafe Staffing Continues

Nationwide Short Staffing Harvard University professor David Grabowski, said the term “nursing home” is misleading given the sector’s lack of adequate nursing staff. Seniorly’s analysis of unsafe staffing used staffing data from the CMS to compare states shows unsafe staffing nationwide. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll found 70% of adults feel nursing homes and other long-term

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

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