Category: Staffing

CMS Data

Skilled Nursing News reported industry apologists complaining about data on nursing homes on Marc Zimmet, president of Zimmet Healthcare Services Group, is a well known industry apologist who defends nursing homes in civil litigation after the neglect and abuse of vulnerable adults caused by unsafe staffing and siphoning of taxpayer funds. He argues that

High Staff Turnover Linked to Decreased Quality of Care

Skilled Nursing News reported a recent study on high turnover affects the quality of care in nursing homes. Studies have been conducted to research the high staff turnover rates in skilled nursing facilities. High staff turnover rates lead to a decline of the patients care as well as the patient staff relationships. They also hinder the

Home for Vulnerable Adults or Toxic Workplace?

Nursing home caregivers and licensed staff need a supportive work environment. A new study indicates that Facilities should invest in mental health initiatives for employees to address and prevent the effects of toxic stress.  Nearly three-fourths (73%) of 1,100 frontline workers were found to be at high or intermediate risk of toxic stress, according to

New Staffing Rule

Inadequate unsafe staffing is the single biggest contributor to poor quality care in nursing homes, and is a major, recurring issue in South Carolina nursing homes. A new rule from CMS establishes at a national level of a minimum total of 3.48 hours of nursing care per day, among other staffing standards. Anything below that number

Price Gouging

Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell announced a settlement with three temporary staffing agencies for price gouging. The chief complaint was that the accused companies charged nursing homes and assisted living communities rates that were higher than the maximums allowed by the state. The staffing agencies agreed to pay more than $260,000 to resolve allegations

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

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