Category: Regulatory enforcement

$100,000 fine for causing resident’s death

Here is an article that discusses a hefty fine for a facility that neglected a resident. A Riverside County nursing home was fined $100,000 for the death of a 91-year-old woman who was dropped on her head.  Citrus Nursing Center in Fontana was cited last month for failing to provide patient safety, according to the

Lack of inspections for unclean hospitals and nursing homes

Here is an excerpt from a recent article in the Conservative Wall St. Journal. Last month, health inspectors in New York City shut down Serendipity, an upscale ice cream parlor. Though the closing made headlines, it is a common occurrence for less-famous eateries charged with violations like unclean cutting boards and floors, workers who fail

CMS to disclose list of “underperforming” nursing homes

The Associate Press had this story today.   Fifty-six nursing homes are among the worst in their states and are being called out in an effort to goad them into providing proper patient care. Lawmakers and advocacy groups complain that too many facilities get cited for serious deficiencies but don’t make adequate improvement, or do so only temporarily.

Elder Justice Act

A nursing home abuse bill, the Elder Justice Act, has been under consideration in Congress but has yet to be passed. Although nursing home and elder abuse are serious and growing problems, the nursing home abuse bill has never even been voted on. While no one in Congress opposes the nursing home abuse legislation, few are

Nursing home staffing an issue in KY Governor debate

Staffing became an issue in the recent Kentucky Governor’s race.  Democrat Steve Beshear said that Kentucky needs to consider requiring minimum staffing levels at nursing homes, but Gov. Ernie Fletcher said the corporate owners should be allowed to determine how many nurses they hire. Last night, Beshear said Fletcher’s administration has failed to protect seniors, citing

Legislators probe insurance companies

The New York Times recently had an interesting article regarding Congressional leaders questioning the policy and practice of the insurance industry in long term care settings.  The top-ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee has asked 11 long-term care insurance companies to explain “troubling data” regarding how policyholders’ claims are handled and paid. Senator Charles

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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