Category: Advocacy

Nursing Home Fears

“The fear of living with inhumane, overcrowded conditions, loneliness and lack of hope” The Hamilton Spectator, aka the Spec, writer Carmela Fragomeni had a great article (published 1.2.19) about the struggle one woman faces to get her medical care to match her wishes. At 75, Arleen Reinsborough’s fear of nursing homes has her more determined

Where is the Compassion and Empathy?

 North Carolina has substantiated claims that a nursing home mistreated a resident after a daughter secretly recorded staff insulting her father.  Knapton said she placed a camera in her father’s room after he told her that staff routinely insulted him. She also suspected she wasn’t being told about all the times her father, who had had

“Alzheimer’s Tsunami”

The Huffington Post reported on Medicaid cuts in Iowa.  “The aging population is fueling what some health experts call an “Alzheimer’s tsunami” for which Iowa, and the rest of the nation, is ill-prepared. Unless a cure is found, an estimated 7.1 million Americans age 65 and older could have Alzheimer’s by 2025, almost a 35 percent increase, according

 25 Million Set To Lose Insurance

Cassie Dagostino wrote an article on Rantt about Republicans’ attempts to replace ObamaCare without a replacement.  When the ACA became law in 2010, 16.3% of the population, or 49.9 million Americans, lacked health insurance. Since the ACA’s enactment, the uninsured rate has been cut in half and the trend-line of record lows continues. In 2015,

“A Surgeon’s Belated Confession”

NPR and Propublica both had articles about Dr. Lars Aanning who has admitted to lying underoath for a colleague.  This happens all the time.  Doctors don’t squeal on doctors.  It is similar to the thin blue line for police officers.  Should Dr. Aanning be commended for telling the truth now? The South Dakota surgeon had been

Fraudulent Therapy

As discussed before, the real drivers of healthcare costs are not lawsuits, which studies by Johns Hopkins Medicine found are less than 1% of healthcare costs. The big costs are a result of fraud.  Kindred Healthcare, a large for profit chain of nursing homes, will pay $125 million to settle allegations that it billed Medicare for

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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