Category: Abuse and Neglect

Maggots found in resident’s eye

This story really upset me.  I can’t imagine the excuses the nursing home will use to explain this neglect away.  Florida police began investigating why an 82-year-old man from the University Center West nursing home was so severely neglected, he ended up in the hospital. The man was taken to the hospital suffering chest pains

Allegations of rape in Kansas nursing home

Kansas City, Missouri Police are investigating the alleged rape of an 80-year-old woman at a Northland nursing home.   While management vehemently denies anything happened, a medical examination shows otherwise. The 80-year-old woman was found naked from the waist down Wednesday afternoon. According to the police report, the victim’s daughter noticed bruising in her private area and asked

Wall Street And Nursing Homes?

I came across an article discussing the trend of Wall Street investment groups buying nursing homes and the effect it is having on residents and litigation.  Check out my summary: In recent years the Long Term Care industry has seen thousands of nursing homes across the nation taken over by Wall Street investment groups and unfortunately, this change has

Nursing Home Profits

This weekend, the New York Times published an article about the profitability of nursing homes.  The article points out that while profits are rising, quality of care is falling.  This may come as a surprise to the nursing home industry who, as a general rule, seems to constantly repeat their litany about how they aren’t

Another sexual assault at a nursing home

In Moundsville, W.V.a.,  Police said a mentally handicapped woman was sexually assaulted inside a Moundsville nursing home. The suspect is Roy Reed Sheldon, 22, who was placed into a cruiser and headed to jail after his arraignment Wednesday afternoon. He sexually assaulted a 57-year-old mentally handicapped woman who was a resident of Dora Allietta Memorial


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