Cameras Deter Abuse
Ohio allows families to install cameras in nursing home rooms to monitor their loved one’s well-being. The Dayton Daily News recently had an opinion letter from Michael Brevda. He is the managing partner of Senior Justice Law Firm, which focuses its practice on nursing home claims.
“Some nursing home corporations do not appropriately screen employees. Instead, they look for cheap labor. This means that violent predators can make their way onto the company’s payroll, gaining access to vulnerable victims that reside in the facility.”
He praises Ohio’s new law allowing cameras in nursing homes. Cameras are known to deter abuse, prevent neglect, and lower waste and fraud. Allowing cameras in nursing homes adds a layer of protection for Ohio’s most vulnerable patient population. As nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys, we know cameras can save lives.
“When staff suspect they are being watched, inevitably, they will provide better care for the resident.Every Ohioan with a loved one residing in a long-term care facility should take advantage of this new law allowing cameras inside resident rooms. Through increased supervision and accountability, we can end the systemic cycle of abuse and neglect inside our nursing homes.”