Theft by Deception

The Courier reported Judge C.J. Williams sentenced nurse Matthew Daniel Bowlden to one year and one day in prison for stealing pain medications from vulnerable adults. He only got a year for acquiring a controlled substance by deception. Stealing pain medication from an elderly nursing home patient is despicable.

Bowlden has eight prior convictions extending back to 2013. How did he have a license? How did he get a job at the nursing home?  Did they really give him access to narcotics? Incredible.

The prior charges include drunk driving, stolen firearm, possession of marijuana, and escape or attempted escape. Who hired this guy?

Bowlden was investigated on three separate occasions by the Iowa Board of Nursing. The Board suspended Bowlden’s nursing license in 2019. As a result of this conviction, Bowlden is now required to forfeit his nursing license.