Tag Archive: over

“Drug Stupor”

The Star Tribune had a good article abiout the problem of over-medication of nursing home residents.  Powerful antipsychotic drugs have been used for years to reduce agitation, hallucinations and other debilitating symptoms among people with mental illnesses.  They also are widely used “off label” to quell disruptive behavior among people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms

Sedatives increase risk of falls in elderly

Journal of Clinical Nursing has an article about a recent study linking the use of sleeping pills containing benzodiazepines to increase falls in nursing homes. Older patients taking benzodiazepines were 2.9 times more likely to fall   Obviously, patients who fall suffer severe injuries.   Some older patients have impaired cognitive function or limited functional ability and physical

Over-medicating the elderly

The New York Times has an interesting and scary article about how the elderly are given dangerous and unnecessary medications.   The article relays a story about a 78-year-old woman who was found unconscious on the floor of her apartment by a neighbor. Her medical history included high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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