
Infographic: ‘An insight into law firms’

    Source: insightBee “Did you know that only 4% of partners at law firms strongly believe they have the right tools to achieve their business development priorities? We’ve taken our in-depth report into the legal sector, crunched it down, and made an infographic with all the key stats and figures.”

Why Sleeping May Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

The Daily Beast had an article on a new study that shows how loss of quality sleep may contribute to the cause of Alzheimer’s disease.  According to researchers at the University of California Berkeley, disturbed sleep may contribute to the development of dementia. The study, performed at the university’s Sleep and Neuroimaging Laboratory, relied on

Anti-intellectualism Is Killing America: Social dysfunction can be traced to the abandonment of reason

The tragedy in Charleston last week will no doubt lead to more discussion of several important and recurring issues in American culture—particularly racism and gun violence—but these dialogues are unlikely to bear much fruit until the nation undertakes a serious self-examination. Decrying racism and gun violence is fine, but for too long America’s social dysfunction has continued

Syracuse surgeon slapped sedated patients, called them insulting names, feds say

Syracuse, N.Y. – A doctor at St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center often slapped anesthetized patients on the buttocks and called them derogatory names before surgery, a government investigation alleges. The doctor slapped them so hard he sometimes left red marks or hand prints, according to a report by the federal Center for Medicare & Medicaid

This Year’s Five Most “Frivolous” Lawsuits by “Greedy” Trial Lawyers

Corporate America and irresponsible government officials consistently trash lawsuits as “frivolous” and trial lawyers as “greedy.” Why? Because lawsuits and trial lawyers hold them accountable when they abuse their power, break the law, and violate people’s rights. Want proof? Just look at the five finalists for Public Justice’s 2015 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award.

Dying of Excitement: Police often blame suspects’ deaths on “excited delirium.” Is that a diagnosis or a cover-up?

Dying of Excitement At a Canadian public inquiry set up in 2008 to study the appropriateness of allowing cops to use Tasers, Mike Webster, a police psychologist, went further. He blamed Taser International for “brainwashing” cops and testified that “police and medical examiners are using the term [excited delirium] as a convenient excuse for what

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

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