
Top violations in nursing homes

Violations of “accident hazards” were the most frequently cited survey flaw across the nation in September, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. These hazards typically cause falls and injuries to occur.  The agency said 35.2% of the facilities cited were written up for F-tag 323. Next on the list was a frequent

Advocates Demonstrate Against The Carlyle Group

The headquarters of The Carlyle Group, a Wall Street Investment corporation that made our blog a few weeks ago when we wrote about its involvement with Habana Health Care Center (see Wall Street and Nursing Homes? and Nursing Home Profits), was the site of a demonstration Monday, October 22nd by nursing home advocates.  The Carlyle Group

Allegations of rape in Kansas nursing home

Kansas City, Missouri Police are investigating the alleged rape of an 80-year-old woman at a Northland nursing home.   While management vehemently denies anything happened, a medical examination shows otherwise. The 80-year-old woman was found naked from the waist down Wednesday afternoon. According to the police report, the victim’s daughter noticed bruising in her private area and asked

Legislators probe insurance companies

The New York Times recently had an interesting article regarding Congressional leaders questioning the policy and practice of the insurance industry in long term care settings.  The top-ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee has asked 11 long-term care insurance companies to explain “troubling data” regarding how policyholders’ claims are handled and paid. Senator Charles

Senator Grassley is Asking Questions

I recently read an article about Charles Grassley, Republican Senator from Iowa who is on the Senate Finance Committee asking long term care insurance companies to explain how they are handling policy holders’ claims.  This is the quote I love the most:  “Many long-term care insurers have recently announced that they are raising premiums because


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