
Where is the Compassion and Empathy?

 North Carolina has substantiated claims that a nursing home mistreated a resident after a daughter secretly recorded staff insulting her father.  Knapton said she placed a camera in her father’s room after he told her that staff routinely insulted him. She also suspected she wasn’t being told about all the times her father, who had had

Lily Tomlin, William Shatner, Cloris Leachman help you plan for retirement and against hippos

By: Jeremy Belanger, Source: Yahoo TV, Originally Published: 6.4.18 On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver got help from such acting legends as Lily Tomlin, William Shatner, Rita Moreno, Fred Willard, and Cloris Leachman to help baby boomers learn about the dangers of getting older. In a fake public service announcement, the senior celebrities warned the aging baby-boomer

“Aggressive Advance Directives”

Advance directives are legally recognized documents that specify care if a person is incapacitated. They can confirm that a patient doesn’t want to be resuscitated or kept on mechanical life support, such as a ventilator or feeding tube, if they have a terminal condition from which they’re not likely to recover. The National Review had an

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Sava Senior Care

SavaSeniorCare, one of the nation’s largest nursing home providers, has been sued in the United States District for the Northern District of California for multiple wage violations. SavaSeniorCare owns and operates seven residential care and rehabilitation facilities in locations throughout California and more than 200 facilities throughout the United States. The proposed national class action

Ahead of ELD rule, false driver log violations rise

By: William B. Cassidy, Senior Editor, Source:, Originally Published: 11.27.17 An 11.5 percent increase in citations for falsifying driver logs and a 14.8 percent jump in the number of drivers put out of service for falsifying logs in the last fiscal year underscore why federal regulators are mandating a switch to electronic logging devices (ELDs)

Truck Companies Use Shell Companies and Bankruptcy to Dodge Judgments

By: Bryan M. Roberts, Stark & Stark; Source: The National Law Review; Originally Published: 11.20.17 A USA Today Network investigation revealed that some port trucking companies have used legal loopholes, shell companies, and bankruptcies to escape judgments by labor court judges. The ongoing investigation reveals that some port trucking companies serving top retailers use such

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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