
Domestic Terrorism

The New York Times reported that Trump refuses to fight domestic terrorism because he worries that many are his core supporters. Despite Trump’s promise, the Department of Homeland Security refuses to investigate domestic terrorism i.e. white nationalist threats and other acts of fascist violence. DHS published a document a year ago emphasizing white supremacist and

The Use of Anti-Psychotics

The Danger of Anti-Psychotics Reducing the use of anti-psychotics in nursing homes has been a focus of nursing homes and federal officials for over a decade. 300,000 nursing home residents are given anti-psychotic drugs each week, even though most have no psychosis to justify it. Since the beginning of the Trump administration, nursing homes rarely pay

Men Over 60

Men over 60 are twice as likely to become severely sick and to die as women of the same age even with similar pre-existing conditions. A new study to determine why found a significant clue. The scientists found the women’s bodies produced more so-called T cells. Those cells kill virus-infected cells and stop the infection

COVID’s Long Term Problems

We do not understand the long term problems of catching COVD-19. However, we do know that a significant number of COVID-19 patients do not fully recover. These patients are known as “long-haulers”.  Long haulers suffer from debilitating symptoms months after their initial infection. Many long-haulers with long-term symptoms are young and healthy with no pre-existing

The Danger of Herd Immunity

Herd Immunity Scott Atlas is President Trump’s latest favored adviser on the pandemic. He apparently replaced the “demon seed” doctor. The neuroradiologist has no expertise in public health or infectious disease prevention or treatment.  He hasn’t practiced medicine in decades. He pushes unscientific claims but Atlas has the capacity to tell the president what he

Visitation Ban Lifted!

Visitation Ban Lifted After six months of social isolation during the pandemic, the Governor lifted the visitation ban so people can finally visit in nursing homes. But they’ll have to meet outside with no physical contact for safety purposes. The rules require visitors and residents to stay 6 feet apart while in special outdoor visitation

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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