
What Happens After You Get In An Accident?

Everyone thinks they have adequate insurance, until the time comes to use it.  In most instances, when you are in an accident, one of the first things that happens is both parties’ insurances are notified.  Next, most people contemplate hiring an attorney.  Finally, there is negotiating. Negotiations are often very time consuming and stressful if

Right to Vote

As Americans, we cherish our right to vote. Too many of us do not vote. This election may decide the future of America. Please vote. Voter Suppression Trump knows he is losing the election. As reporter Maggie Haberman put it, “People close to him are blunt that the president knows he’s losing and is scared

Care Compare

The Trump Administration announced the completion of a plan to dilute information on Nursing Home Compare.  The consumer-friendly Nursing Home Compare website will merge with Care Compare.  The new website will be a larger database of public information on a variety of health care providers. Nobody knows why Trump made the unnecessary change. Nursing Home

Hero Supports Biden

Hero of the Hudson participates in a scathing anti-Trump ad. “Donald Trump has failed us so miserably,” the pilot Sully Sullenberger says in the ad. The Lincoln Project and VoteVets co-sponsored the effective ad. Another hero supports Biden. Sully Sullenberger stepped up in a critical moment and now he asks that we do the same.

Heart Risk

COVID-19 is a major heart risk. While COVID-19 is most known as a respiratory infection, significant evidence links it to heart damage, too. Autopsies found traces of the coronavirus’s genetic material in the heart. Actual viral particles discovered within the heart’s muscle cells. Experiments have found that SARS-CoV-2 can destroy lab-grown versions of those heart

Political Influence

Political Influence Political influence is directly affecting healthcare policy decisions during the pandemic. Politics should not influence sensitive public health debates. Top White House officials pressured the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to play down the health risks to children. Trump henchmen even tried to circumvent the C.D.C. for “alternate facts” to show that

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

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