
Care Infrastructure

Part of President Biden’s infrastructure plan includes improving the lives of direct caregivers. Biden proposed a $400 billion plan to support caregivers and expand access to home-based care. The plan will significantly increase Medicaid coverage of long-term care outside of institutional settings. The American Jobs Plan includes $400 billion for access to home- and community-based services

Relief is Here

Rescue Plan Biden’s Relief package has been successful and popular. Thank God relief is here: American Rescue Plan. More than 200,000 Americans signed up for health insurance under ObamaCare during the open enrollment period.  A good sign that the uninsured are getting coverage, according to federal officials and health policy experts.  The recent stimulus and

McMaster Sued

The Post & Courier reported the lawsuit against South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster for his power grab forcing state employees working remotely to return to their workplace. The American Civil Liberties Union of South Carolina alleges the Republican governor’s order “disproportionately burden women, people who are pregnant, people of color, and people with disabilities.” The order

Doctor Murdered

South Carolina has a lot of gun violence. The New York Times reported that a gunmen shot and killed five people at home last week. The sheriff’s office on Twitter identified four of the people killed as Dr. Robert Lesslie, his wife, Barbara, and two of their grandchildren. The fifth person who was fatally shot, James

Demand for Quality

Skilled Nursing News reported a new and surprising advocate for safe, quality care at nursing homes: Investment firms! They are demanding better care because it will better guarantee their investment. Here are the demands they made regarding staffing: Adhere to best practices of safe staffing levels. Ensure adequate staff organization, appropriate working hours and protection

The Cost of Capitalism?

For-profit Healthcare People always complain about universal health care as socialism. They assume a not for profit health care system would negatively affect the quality of care. However, that does not appear to be true. For example, federal data shows that for-profit facilities were 18% less effective with preventing COVID-19 infections than nonprofit or government-run

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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