
Visitation Reports

Visitation reports for nursing homes will help the safety and health of nursing home residents. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) recently issued a public health order. The Order requires nursing homes and community care facilities to submit a weekly report detailing each facility’s current visitation status. Many residents and their

Electronic Monitoring

Call Newspaper reported that Missouri will now allow cameras in nursing homes. Electronic monitoring is needed. Dozens of states allow cameras. Missouri joins its neighbors Illinois and Oklahoma permitting electronic monitoring in nursing homes. I hope other states soon pass similar laws. The Missouri law is named the “Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities

“Inhumanity of the System”

“The coronavirus pandemic has hit nursing homes hard and highlighted the inhumanity of our system of shunting away elderly and disabled people in isolated congregate institutions.”  Too true.  We need to do better. Slate had an interesting article condemning the inhumanity and William Barr’s corrupt political investigation into nursing home deaths. The department is acting

Infection Control

Infection Control Today interviewed Cedric Steiner, MBA. He explains below how to create a negative pressure wing in a nursing home.  “When we talk about infection control, and not just one room, but pieces of the facility, we’re definitely on the right track. And I think we need to start thinking about the building as

Altered Mental Status

Altered Mental Status Now that Trump is recovering from his coronavirus infection, we need to be aware of possible neurological issues. I mean more than typical with him. Research shows that many Covid survivors struggle with mental acuity. In fact, studies show that one-third of Covid survivors suffer from altered mental function. Problems range from


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