
How To Determine Whether You Have a Personal Injury Case

Suffering an injury doesn’t always qualify a person to recover damages from another party. As a personal injury lawyer can explain, three basic requirements must be satisfied for a person to have a valid personal injury claim. 1. Negligence The party responsible for your injury must have caused that injury through their own negligence. Standards

Broken System

Broken System “The system is broken. Covid didn’t make it dysfunctional, but Covid showed that it was broken and dysfunctional. We are center stage, in the spotlight — whether we like it or not.” -advocate Robert Kramer Suzy Khimm is a national investigative reporter for NBC News based in Washington, D.C. She wrote a great


Deinstitutionalization Politico had a great article about the loneliness at institutional nursing homes and how that affected Bill Thomas to make change. Thomas previously pioneered a philosophy that gave nursing home residents more control over their lives. He advocated a more holistic view of caring for older adults. He emphasized individualized nursing care, but also

Private Equity and Neglect

MarketWatch asked an important question: Would you want your parents to live in a nursing home owned by private equity?   As a nursing home attorney, I have found that nonprofits are better than for-profits, and chains owned by private equity are the worse. Over the last two decades, private equity firms bought 2,000 nursing homes.

SavaSeniorCare Settles

Systemic Siphoning United States Department of Justice issued a press release on the SavaSeniorCare False Claims Act settlement. The lawsuits allege that Sava submitted false claims for rehabilitation therapy services by engaging in a systematic effort to increase its Medicare billings. “Too many unscrupulous nursing homes operators seek maximum profit by routinely inflating bills while

Ownership Transparency

New Jersey passed a law requiring nursing homes to disclose the names of owners and relate entities. Ownership transparency increases accountability and safety.  As a nursing home attorney, this is progress. I hope South Carolina passes similar legislation. The law requires operators to disclose material information about changes of ownership. This will help find repeat

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

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