
“Historic Record of Success”

America’s so-called “left behind” counties — the once-great manufacturing centers and other distressed places that struggled mightily at the start of this century — have staged a remarkable comeback. Those counties span the nation but are largely concentrated in the Southeast and Midwest. In the last three years, they added jobs and new businesses at

Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes.

Undocumented immigrants have lower felony arrest rates than legal immigrants or native-born Americans. Over decades, evidence shows a lack of evidence to support the relationship between illegal immigration and crime trends.  After illegal immigration plummeted in 2020 because of COVID, the murder rate rose. And after illegal immigration spiked in 2021 and 2022, murders fell.

Safe Staffing Rule

The Des Moines Register had a great article on the Biden’s Administration finalized rule that requires nursing homes to have a minimum number of staff members on duty at all times. Nursing home advocates see this rule as necessary, achievable, and long overdue. Over 50% of nursing home facilities in Iowa and throughout America already

Unnecessary and Dangerous

McKnights reported on a new study conducted to lower the prescription of quetiapine, an antipsychotic drug. Quetiapine is the most popular antipsychotic drug prescribed in the United States, and is often used off-label for patients with dementia to address behavioral symptoms. The risks include death, weight gain, cognitive decline, and falls. For this experiment, Medicare


For the last two years, tests have shown that a nursing home in southeastern Nebraska has contaminated water with a deadly bacteria called Legionella. Legionella can cause two types of respiratory diseases: Potomac fever and the potentially fatal Legionnaires disease. This bacteria is found generally at low levels of water, lakes, and streams and can


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