“Drug Stupor”
The Star Tribune had a good article abiout the problem of over-medication of nursing home residents. Powerful antipsychotic drugs have been used for years to reduce agitation, hallucinations and other debilitating symptoms among people with mental illnesses. They also are widely used “off label” to quell disruptive behavior among people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Many residents are drugged into a stupor — sleepy, lethargic, with little interest in food, activities and other people.
“You see that in just about any nursing home,” said Eva Lanigan, a nurse and resident care coordinator at Sunrise Home in Two Harbors, Minn. “But what kind of quality of life is that?”
Working with a psychiatrist and a pharmacist, Lanigan started a project last year to find other ways to ease the yelling, moaning, crying, spitting, biting and other disruptive behavior that sometimes accompany dementia. They wanted to replace drugs with aromatherapy, massage, games, exercise, personal attention, better pain control and other techniques. The entire staff was trained and encouraged to interact with residents with dementia.
Within six months, they eliminated antipsychotic drugs and cut the use of antidepressants by half. The result, Lanigan said: “The chaos level is down, but the noise is up — the noise of people laughing, talking, much more engaged with life. It’s amazing.”
Now the home’s operator, Shoreview-based Ecumen, has started a project called Awakenings throughout its 15 long-term care nursing homes. It’s based on Lanigan’s work and funded with a two-year, $3.7 million state grant.
Medicare spends more than $5 billion a year on those drugs for its beneficiaries, including about 30 percent of nursing home residents. Several studies have concluded that more than half are prescribed inappropriately. The drugs are especially hazardous to older people, raising the risk of strokes, pneumonia, confusion, falls, diabetes and hospitalization.
Instead of looking for causes of disruptive behavior among dementia patients, doctors typically prescribe drugs to mask the symptoms because it is easy. Some say nursing homes cannot afford to replace drugs with personal attention because it requires too much staff time.
“Our guess is that it will take the equivalent of two extra people at each home, spread across all job categories,” said Finn, Ecuman’s vice president. “Can we afford it? We think we have to, because it’s the right thing.”
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