Do I Have a Valid Personal Injury Case?

personal injury lawyer

You have just been involved in an unexpected accident and have suffered serious injuries that you don’t know how you are going to pay. You are looking to file a personal injury claim, but are not sure about your chances. How do you know if you have a valid case? The only way to find out is to talk to a personal injury lawyer who has the right experience and track record. A skilled personal injury lawyer like one from Ward & Ward Law Firm can evaluate your case and determine if it is valid so they can provide you the legal assistance that you need. Here are some factors to consider to help you decide if filing a personal injury claim is right for you.

You have had severe injuries 

If you had sustained serious injuries as a result of the accident, you may be able to file a personal injury claim. If your injuries are minor or if you do not have other damages, then filing a claim may not be necessary. For particularly severe injuries or if you have a long list of damages, then pursuing a claim could be worth the time and effort. 

You are struggling to pay for your losses

Maybe you have had high medical bills or have many repairs that you need to pay for. If you are dealing with various expenses that you are struggling to keep up with, filing a personal injury claim may be an option. Many accident victims realize that their insurance policy doesn’t cover everything, so they are still left with quite a lot of expenses to pay for out of pocket. If this is the case for you then filing a claim can result in you getting the compensation that you need. 

The Statute of Limitations has not passed

There is a limited period of time in which you can file a claim. The statute of limitations varies widely from state to state, so it is important that you find out your state’s laws and requirements. The short window of time is a main reason why it is so important that you do not delay exploring your legal options with a qualified lawyer. If you have been injured in an accident, you should file a claim right away before it’s too late. 

Reach out to a trusted and competent personal injury lawyer so they can assess your case and provide their professional opinion. From there, they can advise you on your next steps. To learn more, schedule a free consultation now.