Category: Staffing

Mariner Settlement

Mercury News reported California operator Mariner Health Care agreed to pay up to $15.5 million in penalties, plus $2.25 million in costs, if the chain continues to fail to abide by terms related to patient safety and staffing levels. In 2021, all 19 of Mariner’s facilities and the company’s corporate management were sued for unsafely discharging

Safe Staffing Mandate

The nursing home staffing crisis is a call to action for safe staffing levels in long-term care facilities for quality care for older adults. Nursing home residents are suffering because their facilities do not have adequate numbers of staff to care for them. Without safe staffing, the understaffing will continue with devastating consequences for residents,

“The Killer Nurse”

Pennsylvania’s Sunnyview Health and Rehab is the latest nursing facility with links to Heather Pressdee, known as “The Killer Nurse.” Pressdee, a registered nurse, caused the death of numerous patients she mistreated with insulin. Pressdee bounced from nursing home to nursing home, each time allegedly terminated or forced to resign. One of Pressdee’s patients that

OIG Report: Do Better!

AARP published a great article from Maura Kelly Lannan about a recent OIG report on the staffing issues in the nursing home industry. The report found “monumental and persistent staffing challenges,” as well as issues with infection control. The Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services released the ​​​report on

Promedica Whistleblower

The Iowa Capital Dispatch reported on the whistleblower lawsuit after a dietary aide was fired after reporting abuse and neglect to state officials. Caregivers in nursing homes are considered “mandatory reporters” who are required by law to report instances of suspected abuse and neglect. She alleges she witnessed abuse and physical aggression toward patients, such

Impact of Unsafe Staffing

Consumer Voice has published a new report, The Impact of Understaffing on the Daily Lives of Nursing Home Residents. It explains how unsafe staffing directly impacts the lives of vulnerable adults in institutionalized settings. Since the Biden Administration announced its intention to propose a minimum staffing standard in nursing homes, the focus has been on how

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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