Category: Advocacy

Snapple Facts

This made me laugh. Maybe now the rest of the country will believe Trump lost.

Compassion Fatigue

Sick and Tired The L.A. Time reported that compassionate caregivers are now running out of compassion for the unvaccinated. One such caregiver is Anita Sircar. She is an infectious disease physician and clinical instructor of health sciences at the UCLA School of Medicine. She wrote about watching the deaths of unvaccinated patients for the last

7,000 a Day

Vulnerable Children Please get vaccinated. It is safe. The vaccine is effective. Just two months ago, South Carolina recorded less than 100 cases statewide. Now, my home state exceeds 7,000 cases a day. The expected surge in new cases once McMaster refused a mask mandate for children in school has fueled a spike. DHEC reports that more

Abuse of the Judicial Process

U.S. District Judge Linda Parker sanctioned Sidney Powell and other Trump lawyers for filing a frivolous lawsuit. They sued in Michigan to challenge Biden’s election victory over Trump. The lawsuit was dismissed for lack of any evidence to support the allegations. In a written decision last December, Parker said Powell’s voter fraud claims were “nothing

Florida Man?

More Americans in Florida are catching the coronavirus, being hospitalized, and dying of Covid-19 now than at any previous point in the pandemic. The Delta variant rips through the state despite the vaccine being readily available for months. 25% of COVID deaths come from Florida. DeSantis refuses to do anything to lessen the risks of

You are NOT a Horse!

Animal Medicine FDA tells Americans to stop taking an animal dewormer for Covid by explaining that “you are not a horse”.  The agency issued warnings after misinformation about ivermectin, a medicine used to deworm livestock, spread on right-wing social media. Incredible. Ivermectin can be deadly. The drug is not approved to treat or prevent COVID-19.

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

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