Category: Advocacy

Wages and Profits

American corporations can afford to pay workers a living wage. See below for historical proof of wages and profits. If anything, wages today are historically low. As a share of gross domestic product, worker compensation is lowest since the Great Depression. Corporate profits have been rising rapidly.

Will the Moment Last?

Robert G Kramer wrote an interesting and blunt article for Health Affairs blog. Below are some excerpts. The US long-term care system, particularly in skilled nursing facilities, has been exposed as deeply flawed, chronically underfunded, and in need of reform. The sector now faces the scrutiny of Congress, as well as policy makers and regulators in

Prisma Racial Discrimination

Renee Alexander, a former Prisma Health employee, is suing the health system alleging racial discrimination and retaliation. She worked at the emergency room. “I loved helping people,” Alexander said. Alexander contends the discrimination and retaliation led to harassment, demotion, loss of promotions and hires. It ended her employment, according to the filed lawsuit. The lawsuit

Broken System

Broken System “The system is broken. Covid didn’t make it dysfunctional, but Covid showed that it was broken and dysfunctional. We are center stage, in the spotlight — whether we like it or not.” -advocate Robert Kramer Suzy Khimm is a national investigative reporter for NBC News based in Washington, D.C. She wrote a great


Deinstitutionalization Politico had a great article about the loneliness at institutional nursing homes and how that affected Bill Thomas to make change. Thomas previously pioneered a philosophy that gave nursing home residents more control over their lives. He advocated a more holistic view of caring for older adults. He emphasized individualized nursing care, but also

Impressive Editorial

Haider Warraich is a cardiologist, researcher, and writer at the VA Boston Healthcare System, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School. Views expressed are not employers’. He wrote the below as an editorial for StatNews. Nursing homes and hospice care are supposed to provide safe refuges for older people and those near the ends

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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