Turnover and Retention

Research has shown that the turnover rates of NH administrators (NHA) and directors of nursing (DON) have a direct impact on overall quality.  Turnover is a result of mismanagement and negative culture. Nursing homes can improve staff retention with better communication, increasing wages, enhancing shift differentials, and providing health benefits. The facility culture matters.

“While nursing homes may be chronically understaffed,” lawmakers wrote, “this is not necessarily due to a shortage of qualified workers. Staff have been leaving nursing homes in droves, citing poor wages and benefits, dangerous working conditions, burnout, and little respect for their work.”

The Train More Nurses Act directs a review of all nursing grant programs to find ways to increase faculty members at nursing schools, particularly in underserved areas. If passed as written, it also would increase pathways for licensed practical nurses to become registered nurses.

The Primary Care and Health Workforce Act aims to arm community colleges and universities with $1.2 billion in grants to boost the number of students enrolled in accredited, two-year registered nursing programs.