SAVA Settlement
The Montrose Press reported SSC Montrose San Juan Operating Co. LLC and SavaSeniorCare Administrative Services LLC (collectively, SAVA) will pay $150,000 to settle sexual harassment complaints. SAVA were enjoined from creating a hostile work environment on the basis of sex and from retaliating against employees who make such complaints. SAVA told them to “be nice” or view the behavior as complimentary.
The settlement agreement, filed Aug. 25 and accepted by the U.S. District Court, also spells out training and reporting procedures SAVA is to follow. The agreement brings to an end an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission action against SAVA that was filed in 2020, alleging violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
According to the SAVA settlement decree, the defendants no longer own or operate skilled nursing facilities in Colorado. They have certified to the U.S. District Court and EEOC that they will be dissolving their LLCs in Delaware, where they are in the process of “winding up” operations.
The EEOC said SAVA has transferred operations of its skilled nursing facilities in Colorado to new companies and operators.
Employers are legally obligated to protect their employees from harassment by third parties, such as patients, vendors or customers; some employers do not understand this obligation. Some facilities have a “buddy system” rule, under which no provider goes into a patient room alone.