Pray for Judy Pate

CN2 reported on a tragic situation caused by the lack of supervision at Helms Gordon Residential Care. The facility allowed 79 year old Judy Pate to walk away from the facility without assistance or supervision. This is reckless. The facility is home to vulnerable adults who need assistance and supervision.  The facility knew or should have known that she could not leave the facility unattended.

Searchers finally located Pate after THREE DAYS.  Missing for 72 hours. 4,320 minutes. Alone, scared, and unresponsive. In a creek bed. In the woods. A mile from Helms Gordon Residential Care. Horrific.

What were the caregivers doing? Were there enough of them? Were they competent? how did they assess her? what did her care plan require?

DHEC’s investigation is pending. I hope they disclose how the facility allowed this preventable incident. I hope DHEC sanctions the facility to prevent it from happening again.

“Community residential care facility administrators are required by regulation to report every incident involving a resident that leaves the premises for more than 24 hours without notice to staff members of intent to leave to local law enforcement, the residents responsible party, and DHEC. ”

I feel awful for the family. Statement from Family of Judy Pate:

“Ms. Judy Pate is currently in the ICU at Atrium Health Main in Charlotte being treated for multiple injuries. This has been a very difficult and hurtful time for the family, and the family is currently focused on caring for their mother. They would like thank all for those first responders and volunteers who sacrificed so much to find Mr. Judy.”

I hope she has a full recovery. God bless her.