Palliative or Supportive Care
The Washington Post had a good article explaining the differences between palliative or supportive care and hospice care. Many providers use the terms interchangeably despite their clear differences. Palliative care is a specialty that focuses on providing relief from a serious illness to improve the quality of life. Palliative care improves quality of life in patients with serious conditions. It also has been shown to actually help people live longer. However, hospice is a service delivered at home or in a facility for someone expected to die in less than six months.
A recent study analyzed the public’s perception of palliative care. The results revealed that over 70 percent did not even know what it was. Of the 30% aware of the care, two-thirds thought it was the same as hospice.
Ask your caregiver about the getting supportive care for your loved ones. It will improve the quality of life. Let us know if we can help.