
Camera Catches Assault

Media reports show a jury found Sharee Shantrell Bryant guilty of injury to an elderly or disabled person. Bryant worked as a caregiver at Cornerstone Nursing Center. The jury opted for a prison sentence rather than a term of probation–as requested by the defense–following the sentencing phase of trial. The convicted caretaker was given five

Verdict in Lexington

Donna Roland broke her arm in two places after tripping and falling in front of the Lexington County Auxiliary Administration building. Roland sued Lexington County in October of 2020 after she fell while stepping down from an unsafe and dangerous curb leaving the County building. The State newspaper reported the $2 million verdict by a

The Swamp

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ ethics scandals following revelations by ProPublica showing how the billionaire donor Harlan Crow has paid for lavish vacations for the justice and his family, purchased Thomas’s mother’s home but allowed her to reside free of rent, and paid for the judge’s great-nephew’s private school education. Now evidence shows lawyers who have

Henry’s Law

Henry Owens passed away in February, 2021 after enduring what a lawsuit calls severe neglect at a Life Care nursing home in Las Vegas. Following the tragic  death of Henry Owens in 2020, his family advocated for better monitoring of loved ones in nursing facilities. His family helped Governor Joe Lombardo to pass and sign

“She is not going anywhere.”

USA Today reported on South Carolina hero Josephine Wright. Ninety-three-year-old Josephine Wright’s home has been in her family since the end of the Civil War. Josephine Wright has been living at the home on Hilton Head for the past 30 years after she and her husband retired from their jobs. The home is a favorite gathering


The Athens Daily Review published an anonymous poem from a nursing home resident. Tragic. One poem is shared below as written: “I am just an Old Ole Maid Now, I need a nurse’s aid To help me with a chore But when I ask for help, they ignore. So I seldom make a request The

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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