
Additional Quality of Care Concerns

Theres an article out of Lafayette, Louisiana about short staffing which points out that short staffing can lead to abuse and neglect in more ways than one.  Typically, we think that short staffing leads to poor care because of the high patient to staff ratio, or because of employee stress, but this article points out

Jury awards family $2.5 million for neglect of dad

Attorney for Amel Trezza asked the jury to compensate for his wrongful death at a nursing home  which occurred on May 31, 2001. The total verdict in the case regarding nursing home negligence amounted to $2,522,232.08. The total monetary figure makes the case the largest nursing home negligence case in Connecticut history. Amel Trezza died on May

Improper transfer causes resident’s death

I read an article today about the death of a resident caused by the improper transfer by the nursing home staff.  Falls are always so dificult for the elderly to survive.  the injuries cause by falls can lead to immobility, pain, and demntia.  Preventing falls should be a high priority but often isn’t.  Training and

Study proves no need for tort reform

In the latest issue of the magazine Trial, thereis an interesting article about how medical malpractice settlements are reasonably related to the quality of care provided according to an analysis of 11 different studies on settlements.    The article is in the December 2007 | Volume 43, Issue 12 and the author isValerie Jablow, Associate Editor.

Overmedicating resident because of short staffing

The Wall St. Journal has a great article on the use of medications to sedate residents because of short staffing at many nursing homes.  Below is an excerpt from that article. Medicaid has spent more money on antipsychotic drugs for Americans than on any other class of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, AIDS drugs or medicine

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

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