
Nurse’s Criminal Records

In Dallas, Texas a local television station has been running background checks on licensed nurses. They have found “thousands of nurses with arrest records.” That much didn’t surprise me – but the arrests include murder, kidnapping and arson. What? Murder? My immediate thought was, don’t employers do background checks? My second thought was, are these

Mystery surrounds death of resident found in utility closet

Rome News Tribune has a story about a male resident found dead in the nursing home’s utility closet.  Typically, these closets are locked and only certain staff members have access.  No one knows how the resident got into the closet or how he died. The man had been missing from a Georgia nursing home for two weeks

Young residents’ screams for help go unanswered resulting in her death

Alabama NewsChannell 19 had a horrendous story of neglect on their website.  NewsChannel 19’s Carson Clark reported that a Marshall County Nursing Home is in trouble with state and federal officials after a patient died there. A doctor says the Golden Living Center in Boaz allowed a young woman to scream for help for more than

Caps on damages found to be unconstitutional

The Atlanta Journal constitution wrote a story about a Georgia Judge finding tort reform caps to be unconstitutional.  The cap on monetary awards in a medical malpractice case was found to be unconstitutional. Superior Court Judge Marvin Arrington wrote in an order that the legislative cap of $350,000 for noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering

Getting Medical Records

I read an interesting article about getting medical records earlier this week.  The article raised several important points:  1) Its hard to get your own records, but its much harder to get someone else’s; 2) Its hard to get ALL records; 3) Its hard to be sure that the records are accurate. USA Today specifically points

Importance and necessity of documenting care is emphasized

Inevitably in most of our nrsing home cases, numerous documents that are intended to show the care, treatment, and services provided to the resident are missing, lost, or never done by the staff.  This occurs because the care was not provided or understaffing caused the staff not to have time to document or poorly trained

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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