
Nursing home placement worsens Alzheimers

People with Alzheimer’s disease experience an acceleration in the rate of cognitive decline after being placed in a nursing home according to a new study by the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center. The observational study involved 432 older persons with Alzheimer’s disease. On average, cognition declined at a gradually increasing rate for all participants. During the

Sentence for rapist of nursing home resident

A former nursing aide who admitted raping and impregnating a profoundly disabled and defenseless woman at a Bloomingdale nursing home three years ago was sentenced Wednesday to 25 years in prison. Reynaldo Brucal Jr., 20, pleaded guilty in November to aggravated criminal sexual assault of the then-23-year-old woman, who has cerebral palsy, is brain-damaged and

Need for more staffing

States that set high staffing standards for elder care in nursing homes are the only ones that come close to having enough staff nurses to prevent serious safety violations, according to a new study by a professor in the UCSF School of Nursing. The majority of the nation’s elderly and disabled in nursing homes remain

Federal oversight of nursing homes is lacking

At a hearing this month concerning the state of the nursing home industry 20 years after the landmark Nursing Home Reform Act (better known as OBRA ‘87), Senate Special Committee on Aging Chairman Herb Kohl (D-WI) addressed the deficiencies of a system that has allowed some poorly performing nursing homes to escape penalties. Testimony by the

Neglect of man with open lesion.

The owner and manager of a Palmetto nursing home has been arrested on a charge of neglecting an elderly person in connection with a large lesion found on the face of a resident there. According to reports, 85-year-old Ronald Larsen began living at the Palmetto Guest House in June, 2005. Jacqueline Dorelien took over the home

New nursing home blog with great information

Protecting Loved Ones from Nursing Home Abuse Solomon & Relihan’s Phoenix based law firm has recently launched is a resource portal designed to assist both family members of nursing home residents, and the patients themselves, who suspect neglect, malpractice, or abuse. In the United States alone, nursing home malpractice has become a significant


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