
Virginia Supreme Court upholds nursing home verdict of $850,000

The Virginia Supreme Court recently affirmed an $850,000 verdict obtained by Jeff Downey in a nursing home case in Danville, Virginia. The case, Musgrove v. Medical Facilities of America Inc., involved pressures sores, an amputation, and death by dehydration, malnutrition and wound complications. The Defendant asserted numerous assignments of error, many dealing with pertinent nursing home

Woman sues nursing home for getting her arrested after she complained

The DesMoines Register has an article about a woman who complained about the care her mother ws recieving at a nursing home being arrested after the nursing home stated that she was “abusing” her mother.  This lack of accountability by the nursing home is astounding.  Trying to quiet the family of a neglected resident who

Half of elderly falls result in brain injury and death

The Washington Post had a recent article about how falls in the elderly lead to death caused by brain injuries.  This is why it is so critical for nursing homes to have sufficient staff to supervise resdients, prevent falls, and have a fall prevention program.  Below are excerpts of the article. The elderly fear breaking

Overmedicating Demented Residents

NY Times had an article about the overuse of certain medications in elderly residents.  Below are excerpts of the article. Ramona Lamascola thought she was losing her 88-year-old mother to dementia. Instead, she was losing her to overmedication.  Last fall her mother, Theresa Lamascola, of the Bronx, suffering from anxiety and confusion, was put on

Wall St. Journal article on “Green Houses”

Below are excerpts of an interesting article about “Green Houses”.  A new approach to taking care of the elderly.  The article is called: “Rising challenger takes on elder-care system” (06/24/08 Wall Street Journal) By Lucette Lagnado In the spring of 2001, Bill Thomas, dressed in his usual sweat shirt and Birkenstock sandals, entered the buttoned-down

Joint Commission News Release re: 2009 Safety Goals for LTC

The Joint Commission today announced the 2009 National Patient Safety Goals and related requirements for accredited long term care organizations. The National Patient Safety Goals promote specific improvements in patient safety by providing health care organizations with proven solutions to persistent patient safety problems. These Goals apply to the more than 15,000 Joint Commission-accredited and

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

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