
The Arbitration Fairness Act of 2007

Buried within most admission contracts for nursing homes are unconscionable and hidden clauses requiring mandatory binding arbitration in case of a dispute. These clauses stack the deck against consumers and victims of nursing home abuse and neglect.  These hidden clauses force residents to sign away their rights before a dispute even arises, and denying them access

Settlement in wandering case

A $750,000 settlement between a Pennsylvania nursing home and Francis X. Ounan has been approved by a federal judge. Ounan filed suit against nursing home chain Sunrise Senior Living Services, Inc. on January 15, seeking damages for claims of negligence and wrongful death. Ounan’s mother, Margaret Ounan Boyle, died in November of 2005 from injuries

Defense lawyer asking “inhumane” deposition questions

In many of our depostions, defense counsel asks questions that border on the ridiculous and sometimes cross the line to inappropriate or harassing questions. I ran across this artice that talks about a Plaintiff’s attorney who did something about it. A plaintiffs attorney sued his adversary for asking “inhumane” questions during a deposition that allegedly

Oscar the cat

New England Journal of Medicine has an article about Oscar, a hospice cat at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, R.I., who seems to have an uncanny knack for predicting when nursing home patients are going to die, by curling up next to them during their final hours. His accuracy in 25

Poor conditions at another nursing home revealed

Poor conditions at a Tn nursing home prompted the state to prohibit the facility from admitting new patients.   The state suspended any new patients from being admitted to the Cornelia House. A State Health Department review paints a different picture, detailing a successful escape this past April, in which a patient with dementia walked out

Preventative treatment works to avoid pressure ulcers

We have numerous cases where a resident suffered horrible painful pressure ulcers because of the lack of preventative treatment.  The nursing homes always claim that the pressure ulcers were “unavoidable” due to the age of the resident.  A new comprehensive study disproves that claim. This article discusses the purpose and success of preventing pressure ulcers


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