
Resident Abuse

I saw an article about resident abuse that is common and difficult to prove without the testimony of an honest employee of the nursing home.  The industry has labeled injuries caused by abuse to be “injuries of unknown origins”.  Perhaps, they should polygrapg the employees who provided care and treatment to the resident to determine

Hidden camera reveals the truth about neglect

Although there is a concern regarding privacy issues, many families use hidden video cameras to document neglect by nursing home employees.  These cameras are useful especially when the nursing home denies neglect or fails to supervise employees apporpriately. I ran across an article that illustates my point perfectly.  An ex-employee of a Rochester nursing home

Patient Safety and Abuse Prevention Act

Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl is trying to prevent abuse by insituting a national system for criminal background checks on nursing home employees.  Please contact your Senators and encourage them to support this legislation. Sen. Kohl says the best way to protect our elders from physical abuse is to institute a national system for background checks to determine

CEO’s exorbitant salaries hinder proper staffing

I was sent this great editorial regarding how much staff could be hired if CEOs were compensated reasonably instead of exorbitantly like Manor Care’s CEO Paul Ormond. SNF CEO’S WINDFALL COULD HAVE PROVIDED MORE STAFF AND SERVICES To the Editor: Reports that Manor Care’s CEO Paul Ormond would personally realize between $118 and $186 million

When can nursing home evict a resident?

Description of Federal Requirements The federal regulation (483.12) articulates rights that the resident has related to admission, transfer, or discharge, some of the procedures facilities must follow, and records they must keep. The definition of transfer and discharge here applies to movement to a bed outside the certified facility (including differently licensed beds in the


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