
Navy Reservist Wants a Day in Court, Not Arbitration

By: Margot Roosevelt, Source: In November 2012, about 40 employees of BLB Resources, an Irvine real estate firm, gathered in a room festooned with balloons to celebrate a colleague who was deploying to Afghanistan. Kevin Ziober, a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserve, dug into a cake decorated with an American flag and the

Patient Safety: 54 Years of Progress … or Stasis?

By: Kenneth Rothfield, Source: OR Excellence. A conversation with OR Excellence speaker Kenneth P. Rothfield, MD, MBA, CPE, CPPS It’s disheartening, says anesthesiologist and patient safety expert Kenneth P. Rothfield, MD, MBA, CPE, CPPS, how little patient safety has improved during his lifetime. More than 400,000 U.S. citizens die from preventable medical errors each year.

S.C. chief justice slams Statehouse for underfunding the judiciary

Compiled by: Schuyler Kropf and Brenda Rindge, Source: Post and Courier. S.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Costa Pleicones let out his frustration in an email where he chided the poor treatment of the state’s judicial branch at the hands of Statehouse budget writers. In a note to lawyer-legislators and those preparing to take office, Pleicones

“An alarm system doesn’t prohibit falls”

ABC News had an interesting article about the decline in the use of alarms as a means of fall prevention.  The change is part of a nationwide movement to phase out personal alarms and other long-used fall prevention measures in favor of more proactive, preventative care. Without alarms, facilities need staff to better learn residents’

Former Upstate official ordered to pay $1.2 million earned through Ponzi scheme

By: Mandy Gaither, Source: WYFF ANDERSON COUNTY, S.C. —Former Anderson County Administrator Joey Preston has been ordered to repay more than $1.2 million that he earned after investing money in Ron Wilson’s Ponzi scheme, WYFF News 4 Investigates’ Mandy Gaither has learned. Wilson, a former Anderson County councilman, is serving time at a federal prison

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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