
Nancy Mace and Marijuana

Marijuana has many medical and health benefits but remains illegal in many states including South Carolina. Eighteen U.S. states, most recently Connecticut in June, as well as the District of Columbia, have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Marijuana, which remains prohibited by federal law, has been approved for medical use in 36 states and

Horrific Molestation

WWLTV reported the sad and horrific molestation of a vulnerable adult by a nursing home caregiver. The Bogalusa Police Department arrested Angela Dawn Holloway Austin on charges of sexual abuse of an animal and molestation of a person with a physical or mental disability. She works in a Louisiana nursing home. She was arrested after

Build Back Better for Seniors

Biden’s Build Back Better Act is currently undergoing an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office before heading to the Senate for passage. The law includes some great improvements to health care especially nursing homes. Staffing in Nursing Homes Provisions that increase staffing will increase quality of care in the industry. Nursing homes will need a

Prepare for the Next Pandemic

Prepare to Prevent COVID-19 killed more nursing home residents last year than combat casualties during the combined wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. The $166 billion nursing home industry includes 15,600 skilled care facilities nationwide. The industry must do a better job with infection prevention and control. COVID-19 is not the last contagious virus

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Investment The bipartisan law commits $550 billion in spending to repair and rebuild America’s infrastructure. America certainly needs to repair, upgrade, and modernize infrastructure. The investment will create good American jobs across the country. The law provides: $75 billion to build charging stations for electric vehicles, $73 billion to upgrade the country’s electrical grid, $66

Oversight and Compliance

Oversight is finally back for nursing home operators. CMS’s new memo directs investigators to review nurse competency, staffing, and residents’ quality of care. Investigators need to address unplanned weight loss, traumatic falls, injuries of unknown origin, abuse/neglect or pressure injuries. CMS warns that States must adhere to the new survey guidelines or risk losing 5% of

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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