
Big Tech’s Power Grab

In recent years, Big Tech manipulates data to create opportunities to insert themselves into the practice of law. Big Tech is actively working behind the scenes to influence legislation and ethics rules in every state. The goal is not to serve the interests of a client. Their sole intention is to generate massive profits. There

Be Careful What You Sign

Financial Exploitation reported the tragic story of Suzanne Araneo. She lost everything to a nursing home. She returned from Anchor Care & Rehabilitation to an empty home. Everything she owned was subsequently stolen, sold off or just thrown away in the trash, all without her knowledge or consent. Araneo recalling the scene when she

Rapist Gets Life in Prison

The Daily Beast reported the rape of nursing home resident by a nursing home employee. Fortunately, a hidden video camera caught the rapist. The family said: “We were concerned maybe someone was being unkind or too rough with her so we decided to install a hidden camera in her room so we could see what

Crime Data

Recent crime data shows shootings are down 4 percent nationwide. In big cities, murders are down 3 percent. If the decrease in murders continues for the rest of 2022, it will be the first year since 2018 in which they fell in the U.S. This is fantastic news. The likely causes of the spike in murders in

Ant Bites Hurt

Brush Country Nursing and Rehabilitation nursing home failed Kathleen Laurel and her daughters, Lisa Howard and Kelly Pesek. The filthy conditions at the nursing home allowed ants to crawl all over a vulnerable resident. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission issued a detailed report on the incident. Caregivers told investigators about other neglect from

Medical Malpractice Verdict

The Courtroom View Network reported that a jury compensated a family after a Georgia hospital and an obstetrician caused profound birth-related injuries to mother and her child. Sasso and Gamble-Webb failed to properly monitor and treat birth-related complications that caused the newborn’s oxygen deprivation. The 9-day trial proved that caregivers failed to respond appropriately to

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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