McCarthy is Pathetic

Kevin McCarthy is the Republican Leader of the House of Representatives. He unilaterally and arbitrability opened an inquiry to impeach President Biden despite public acknowledgement by they possess no evidence of wrongdoing.

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO): “I’m going to get a briefing later in the week on what evidence links president at the time Vice President Joe Biden to Hunter Biden’s activities. I haven’t seen that link yet.”

Republican Representative Nick Langworthy: “Well, we’ve never claimed that we have direct money going to the president, but many members of his family have received money from foreign governments.”

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer released a 65-page memo detailing a sprawling investigation into Biden and some of his relatives, particularly his son Hunter Biden but no specific allegation of a crime committed by Biden or any of his relatives was included.

Trump’s own Department of Justice opened an investigation into Biden four years ago and found nothing to charge. No evidence exists or certainly the Trump Administration would have prosecuted.

Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo noted that Biden’s taxes are public unlike the Trump Family. Several U.S. attorneys has been scrutinizing Biden’s son Hunter for years and he has admitted fault and pled guilty. No evidence links Hunter Biden’s drug addiction or crimes to President Biden.

Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.) on Monday expressed reservation about linking a bill to avoid a government shutdown to a vote on launching impeachment proceedings.