Category: Uncategorized

South Carolina Man Gets Off Thanks To ‘Stand Your Ground’ After Shooting And Killing Innocent Bystander

BY ANNIE-ROSE STRASSER ON OCTOBER 11, 2013 AT 12:39 PM On Wednesday, a South Carolina judge granted immunity from prosecution to a man who shot and killed an innocent bystander during a botched confrontation with a group of teenagers. The judge relied on the state’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law. Seventeen-year-old Darrell Niles was in his

Unanswered emergency call costs nursing home $850K

From South Carolina Lawyer’s Weekly, 9.9.13: Amber Nimocks, The estate of a woman who bled to death in the night at an assisted living facility earlier this summer reached a settlement worth $850,000 on claims of negligence and wrongful death. Plaintiff’s attorney Gary Poliakoff said that Kathleen Brown, a resident of Windsor House Assisted Living

Mount Pleasant passes texting ban, preparing signs to post on roadways

“Don’t text and drive. It’s the law.” Drivers will soon read this warning on state transportation message boards and signs around Mount Pleasant.  Police wasted no time in getting the word out following Town Council’s passage of a ban on texting while driving, making Mount Pleasant the first Charleston-area town to take such action.

Hold your nose over dump ruling

If you, like thousands of people in South Carolina, live near a smelly landfill, it just got more difficult to get compensation when your life is disrupted by unpleasant odors wafting your way. The S.C. Supreme Court recently ruled that, while a company can be found guilty of trespassing when it produces dust or water

Heads Up: Good play or good ploy?

Gary Mihoces , USA TODAY Sports ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Millions of kids still play tackle football. The NFL still makes billions of dollars. But both are challenged by concussions, which don’t discriminate between pee-wees or pros. And a dip in youth participation has the NFL’s attention, too.

Family of man killed by truck driver settles suit

By The Associated Press Published: August 6, 2013 BEAUFORT (AP) — The widow of a Bluffton man shot to death by a tow-truck driver in 2010 has settled a lawsuit against the man and several co-defendants for nearly $2 million. The settlement of $1.75 million was approved by a judge last month, The Island Packet of

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

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